Theater Wit 1 year gift membership

With a Theater Wit Gift Membership, you can give unlimited theater, year round, for one single prepaid amount of $420.

Once your membership is activated, the recipient will recieve a unique member ID. That ID is their passport to:

  1. A ticket to any and all regular and late night productions at Theater Wit.
  2. Make reservations in advance or just drop by on impulse.
  3. Exchange tickets as often as you need to.
  4. After their third month of membership, they'll get a free ticket to bring a friend, and then another one in six months.
  5. The membership includes as many different shows as they want each month.
  6. Come back to the same production for free as many times as they wish, based on availability on day of performance.
Note, the membership is not transferrable. A membership only applies to the membership holder and can't be used by a third party.

This gift membership will auto-renew for 1 month.
We'll do our best to reserve the best seats, but let us know if you have a particular preference
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